Sunday, February 28, 2010


We certainly had a lot of snow this winter! Matty offered to help Daddy shovel on Thursday, but they decided to play in the snow instead.

Looking at the newly cleared driveway...

King of the Hill!
Who buried Matty in the snow??

Blog-Posting Slacker

Dear Blog Readers:

The regularly scheduled blog posts slipped last week, but hopefully this week it will get back on track. Mommy started working full time hours, so last week was a little crazy.

I made sure to look extra cute in the latest pictures Mommy and Daddy were taking, so that the new posts will sure to be fantastic! :-)

Here's a quick synopsis of what's new with me: I am really trying to get more teeth, but I still only have the two on the bottom. There's one tooth trying to peek out on top, but it hasn't made much progress yet. I learned how to climb on top of the coffee table--that is really exciting for me! I also did a perfect somersault in my crib the other night when we were getting ready for bed. I have lots of cool toys, but my favorite ones to play with are still the remote control and the laundry basket.

And that's all the news that's fit to print...


Monday, February 22, 2010

Hands Free

Matty thinks it's easier to carry things around by just sticking them in his mouth.

Play sandwich....

Clean sock (straight from the laundry)....
That's better! Sippy cup full of water!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Matty loves doing back flips and generally tumbling all over the place. I think we have a budding daredevil on our hands....
We had to keep repeating the flips until Mommy's arms got tired :-)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hanging out on the couch...

Matty and Daddy hanging out on the couch. Notice Matty only has one shoe on. It did not take him long to master the art of taking off his shoes in the car. It was only a short ride home, so he just had time to take off the one shoe before we took these picks.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bathtime Fun!

Matty is having a fantastic time playing with his bath toys. He loves squirting the water and splashing like crazy!

Friday, February 12, 2010

What can we do with this hair?

Matty's hair is quickly getting out of control again. What can we do with it??
Some spikes?
Trying out his "Jersey Shore 'do"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Toys

Checking out all his cool presents!!
"So, how do I make this go?"

Everyone checking out the new toys

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How is that cake?

Matty wasn't quite sure at first, but once he tried the cake...

He kept going and...
.....going! Mmmm... this is pretty good!Brendan agreed--he ate his piece with gusto!
Family shot!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Birthday Fun

Happy Birthday to Matty! Ok, I know his birthday already passed, but between a cold and the snow, we had to postpone Matty's birthday celebration until Superbowl Sunday. He's all ready to go in his birthday hat!So, the original cake plan did not work, so I had to go to Plan M.
...and I made another cake just in case.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hello? Hello?

Matty loves talking on his toy cell phone. If you listen closely, you can hear him saying "hello!" :-)

The Climber

What's that? A toy piano? Perhaps, but the answer we were looking for is...........
.........step stool!
That little piano gave Matty the boost he needed to climb onto the ottoman.

And finally get at those book shelves!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Great Escape

He's no Steve McQueen, but he gave it a try. Maybe next time he will try to dig a tunnel.

"If I could just squeeze through here and then wiggle through there, I'd be a free man!"

Matty is already plotting his next escape plan....*Disclaimer: Matty was not harmed in the above incident. I reached for the camera to snap a few shots first after failing to capture a few of his most exciting adventures on film (tumbling head first into the toy box, climbing out of the walker, etc) and being told--"picture first, then rescue."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

#1 Son

This is our #1 son --- 1st born and 1 year old! :-)

Monday, February 1, 2010

12 Month Check Up

Matty had his 12 Month Check up on Friday. Here's his stats at 1 year old:

Weight: 22 lbs (40th percentile)
Height: 30 inches (50th percentile)

He's doing great developmentally and is hitting his milestones like a pro!

Unfortunately, he was feeling extremely under-the-weather, so it also doubled as a sick visit. He came down with a nasty cold, so we had to postpone his 1st birthday celebration. He's feeling much better today, but still isn't eating much. Hopefully he will get his appetite back soon.